Hello Deer Park,
We at the GreenHouse would like to extend a giant THANK YOU to all who have donated food in the last month. Your food donations have been greatly appreciated and we are once again busting at the seams with food.
People have dropped off so much food! We could never list everyone–there have been so many of you!—however, there are three donors in particular we’d like to thank.
First, Fire District 4 hosted a food drive to help us, and our neighbors at the Elk Food Pantry. Really, can we ever thank our local firefighters enough for what they do for our community? You’re wonderful!
Next, we’d like to thank Jim and Connie Long of Fresh Cut Farms in Deer Park. The Longs are local organic vegetable farmers who donate produce to us in conjunction with several local agencies. Imagine that! Our clients get fresh, local, organic produce.
Last, and most importantly, we really want to thank our dedicated team of volunteers who drive week in and week out to go pick up grocery rescue from stores in Spokane, and then get the food onto the shelves for our clients. Our volunteers are the backbone of this food bank and their hard work is so appreciated.