Thank you to the Deer Park businesses, churches, and community members who donated toys to the GreenHouse this year! Our Operations Manager, Mike, has been busy putting together a beautiful display for our clients to shop from. Today one mother had grateful tears in her eyes because of the community’s generosity.
Mike, our Operations Manager, has been busy every day picking up your generous donations. Our team of volunteers then sorts and shelves the donations. We are thankful for this food and for our volunteers.
Many hands make light work! The GreenHouse Team wishes to thank the FFA and DECA students at Deer Park High School for their annual food drive donation. Monday, November 20, more than 20 students and their advisors swarmed the warehouse, cheerfully sorting and shelving the food they’d collected during their drive. Thank you, teens and advisors! We appreciate you.
Special thanks to Troop 2202 (Jason Strickland/Open Door Congregational Church), Pack 2022 (Mrs. Taylor), and Troops 2216B and 2216G (Pastor Dave Pitts/DP Church of the Nazarene) who hit the bricks this weekend in a food drive to benefit the GreenHouse clients and their families. Thank you very much!