The weather isn’t always fair at the GreenHouse. In fact, sometimes it’s downright miserable. We do live in Deer Park, after all. Winter time presents many challenges as far as keeping our food and clothing banks open. Happily, our teams of volunteers are truly remarkable people and they pivot with grace.
Their goal is always to help clients and they surpass our wildest hopes with their servant leader hearts. 

Take for example January 17 when we received more than 8  inches of snow. 

One of our volunteers, Marty, who shops with our clients, has also stepped up to plow the driveway so everyone at the GreenHouse can carefully walk to and from our warehouse. But on a day with this much snow, we decided it was in everyone’s best interest to close the clothing bank and host a drive up food bank for the day. This required many texts and phone calls between our staff and volunteers. 
The volunteers who could safely drive to the GreenHouse quickly unloaded the full grocery rescue van and then began pre-assembling food boxes for our clients. 

When we opened that day, we served 42 families–representing nearly 170 individuals– in a drive up event. In 15 degree weather and cold, miserable snow, they stayed happy and cheerful as they loaded box after box of food into cars. 
Our clients expressed bounteous gratitude for the food they received. I, too, am grateful. Without these tremendous volunteers, this food bank could not work. 
With humble appreciation to each and every one of you, I say THANK YOU.

Client Services Manager 

P.S. That tall guy pictured with me is my own adult son. Jan 17 became “take your son to work day” in the best way possible. 
P.P.S Not all of our volunteers for this day are pictured. Alas, some of them are camera shy. We love them anyway, but respect their wishes to remain anonymous. 

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