Thank You, Greenhouse

Thank You, Greenhouse

Denise - Client Services Manager

Today I’d like to thank all of our clients and supporters for a wonderful year with the GreenHouse.

It’s been an honor to serve our clients—we’ve had some laughter and some tears and we have fed and clothed so many people.

It’s been an immeasurable pleasure working alongside the volunteer team who serves as the backbone of this food bank. 

I am sad to leave you all in my current role at the GreenHouse, but the need for my family made this necessary. In January one of my family members began having health issues and has now been diagnosed with a chronic condition. 

My family member will be okay, but this diagnosis meant that I needed to search for a job with a robust health insurance plan.

I intend to still help at the food bank, and have joined the ranks of our volunteers. You may not see me from day to day but I will be there, helping nonetheless.

All of that written, the GreenHouse is in good hands, and great things are on the horizon! Our clients continue to be served. Stay tuned, because the future is going to be awesome. 

Thank you Deer Park, and thank you GreenHouse.

(Interested in knowing how you can help the GreenHouse? The easiest way is by donation. The need has never been greater. The GreenHouse needs cash donations to fund its monthly operating expenses, which are small, but necessary. Thank you for considering.)

Happy Birthday Matt!

Happy Birthday Matt!

The GreenHouse team wishes a happy birthday to our volunteer, Matt! And many thanks to our volunteers Linda, for making the cake, and Lydia for bringing in pizza. 

Happy Birthday Matt!
April Volunteer of the Month (Margaret) LaNette Harper

April Volunteer of the Month (Margaret) LaNette Harper

When I arrived at the GreenHouse Food Bank, LaNette was a long-time GreenHouse Board Member and volunteer helping hold the organization steady between the departure of the prior director in November ’21 and my start in February ’22.

It wasn’t long before I realized this spunky worker bee, doing as much as her congestive heart failure would allow, was a very special person who loved God with all her strength.  At that time she was helping with the bookkeeping at her church, Happy Home, as well as helping with the bookkeeping for the foodbank.  She was a voice at the board meetings for the specific needs of our clients such as access to computers.

LaNette served as a GreenHouse Board member for over a decade. Board members remember her never ending love and passion for the GreenHouse.  In January of 2024, we dedicated the GreenHouse Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon to LaNette’s memory.  Before she died, she told us to have a wonderful party and celebrate with her that she is in heaven now with the Lord she loves.  And so we did.

Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Director
GreenHouse Food Bank

A Special Thank You

A Special Thank You

A Special Thank You

Thank You to Families of Colton School District
This week at the GreenHouse was one for the record books. We broke a record for the number of households served in a single day: 72. In less than 3 hours, our team served 72 families. To say we were busy was an understatement. This week due to Presidents’ Day, we were only open two days, but we served nearly 130 families. It seems every time we turn around, we have a new person walking through our food bank doors. Don’t get me wrong, we are happy to serve our community, that’s what a food bank does! We serve people who need help. However, those needing help are growing in number rather than staying the same. Times are lean. We are grateful to have enough food to help, and for our local and state partnerships that deliver food to us, as well as our donors who help keep our lights on. Some highlights of this week for me were:
  • One of our most vulnerable clients is getting some much needed help through our community partner, Rural Resources.
  • We had donations of sleeping bags, clothing, and cat and dog food come through the door.
  • Our team of volunteers met every single benchmark this week, and they did it with a smile.
  • I laughed with many clients. I hugged, and yes—cried—with a few too.
So, while the need is great, and the days are packed full, on behalf of everyone who serves the GreenHouse and therefore the people who live in our community, Thank you!


Greenhouse Food Bank
PO Box 62
211N Fir Ave
Deer Park WA 99006


View on Google Map


Mon — 2PM-5:45PM Wed, Fri — 1PM-3:45PM Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun — Closed


Mon — 2PM-5:45PM Wed, Fri — 9:30AM-4:30PM Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun — Closed Closed all major holidays

Partners Helping Partners

Partners Helping Partners

Partners Helping Partners

Partners helping partners makes stronger communities. Today one of our clients, who is also a volunteer at the VFW Hall in Elk, loaded up boxes of food to help feed fire victims at a free dinner hosted by the VFW. The GreenHouse was happy to play a small part in feeding our friends who’ve lost their homes due to the Oregon Fire. 

January Update

January Update

The weather isn’t always fair at the GreenHouse. In fact, sometimes it’s downright miserable. We do live in Deer Park, after all. Winter time presents many challenges as far as keeping our food and clothing banks open. Happily, our teams of volunteers are truly remarkable people and they pivot with grace.
Their goal is always to help clients and they surpass our wildest hopes with their servant leader hearts. 

Take for example January 17 when we received more than 8  inches of snow. 

One of our volunteers, Marty, who shops with our clients, has also stepped up to plow the driveway so everyone at the GreenHouse can carefully walk to and from our warehouse. But on a day with this much snow, we decided it was in everyone’s best interest to close the clothing bank and host a drive up food bank for the day. This required many texts and phone calls between our staff and volunteers. 
The volunteers who could safely drive to the GreenHouse quickly unloaded the full grocery rescue van and then began pre-assembling food boxes for our clients. 

When we opened that day, we served 42 families–representing nearly 170 individuals– in a drive up event. In 15 degree weather and cold, miserable snow, they stayed happy and cheerful as they loaded box after box of food into cars. 
Our clients expressed bounteous gratitude for the food they received. I, too, am grateful. Without these tremendous volunteers, this food bank could not work. 
With humble appreciation to each and every one of you, I say THANK YOU.

Client Services Manager 

P.S. That tall guy pictured with me is my own adult son. Jan 17 became “take your son to work day” in the best way possible. 
P.P.S Not all of our volunteers for this day are pictured. Alas, some of them are camera shy. We love them anyway, but respect their wishes to remain anonymous. 

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