An Update from the Director

An Update from the Director

There was no “business as usual” for the GreenHouse Food Bank in 2022. We experienced a lot of changes, expected and unexpected. I’m proud of the resilience of our team and clients. I’m thankful for the steady and generous support of our local community.
In 2022:
  • I started as new director in February
  • Plumbing problems in the food-distribution house in September moved all operations to the warehouse.
  • Most of our food storage was moved off site, requiring new food management systems.
  • We didn’t miss a day of client service because of these changes.
“What about the house?” We won’t move food distribution back into the house. Our Board of Directors is currently considering options for building a new food distribution center.
In 2023 so far:
  • We are thankful for consistently full shelves that provide about 29,000 pounds of food each month for our neighbors in need.
  • Through grants and donations, our basic operating expenses are frunded.
  • We are able to offer energy assistance through Avista and Catholic Charities grant funding.
  • We are seeing an increase in new clients of about 5 new families each service day.

Now into my second year as director, I wholeheartedly say, “The honeymoon is not over.” The GreenHouse is a strong organization and I’m thankful to be part of this talented and caring team.

Please consider these ways you can help:

  • A one-time financial donation.
  • Monthly donations are extra helpful.
  • Volunteer with us on site.
  • Volunteer as a board member.
  • Offer suggestions/ideas for upgrading GreenHouse facilities.
  • And talk with me about other ideas.

We hope to raise $12,000 through this annual campaign request. Your donation will go into our general fund to be used to meet our most urgent needs. Please join me in giving to this great cause.

Will you consider donating between $30 and $3,000? Any gift inside or outside this range would be fine.

The GreenHouse team, board of directors, and I deeply appreciate your care and support. Thank you for helping us provide food and resources for a great many families right here in our Deer Park community.

Sincerely yours,

Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Director

Community Support

Community Support

As always, we could not do the work we do at The GreenHouse Community Center without the help of our community! The following photos show just a few of the ways the incredible Deer Park community has served our needs at the Food Bank in the past few months!

Thanks to our friends Jim and Jane for donating the funds for this new overhead door in our warehouse! They recently heard of the need to replace the old one and let us know right away that they would like to help us out. We are so thankful for their generosity! 

Thanks to funds from the Harvest Against Hunger rebate (a Seattle-based Rotary program)! We now have an additional freezer in our Food Bank. As you can see, it didn’t take us long to fill it up!

Volunteer Spotlight: Volunteer Karla is seen here selecting frozen items from our new freezer for a client. When Karla moved to Deer Park a few years ago, she needed something to fill her time and we’re glad she found the GreenHouse. Karla has been helping clients shop in the Food Bank for a little over a year. One thing she loves about the GreenHouse is meeting new people! When she’s not here, she likes to garden (yay spring!), sew and bake.

Church Work Day at the GreenHouse

Church Work Day at the GreenHouse

Church Work Day at the GreenHouse

This past October several churches joined together to clean up the space around The Greenhouse Community Center. Coffee & Donuts were served & much was cleaned.

Plans are in place to paint the outside of The Greenhouse building this Spring.

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