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Thank You Robert Strickland

Thank You Robert Strickland

The GreenHouse would like to give a giant thank you to Robert Strickland of Boy Scout Troop 202. Robert recently hosted a benefit concert in Mix Park as part of his Eagle Scout project. Robert donated the funds raised at the concert to the GreenHouse. This totaled...

Thank you for your monetary donations

Thank you for your monetary donations

Hello Deer Park, Do you recall that at the beginning of last month I told you all how much the GreenHouse was in need of monetary donations? We are a mostly volunteer run food bank and have approximately 55 volunteers that serve here. Every week, we help provide food...

Porch/Grocery Rescue is Back—twice a month

Porch/Grocery Rescue is Back—twice a month

The GreenHouse is happy to announce that we will be offering a porch/grocery rescue service for our clients once again, in addition to their monthly food box. PLEASE TAKE NOTE:  For the summer, and as we have food available, our clients will be allowed to have grocery...

Thank you for your generosity!

Thank you for your generosity!

Hello Deer Park, We at the GreenHouse would like to extend a giant THANK YOU to all who have donated food in the last month. Your food donations have been greatly appreciated and we are once again busting at the seams with food. People have dropped off so much food!...

Thank You, Greenhouse

Thank You, Greenhouse

Today I’d like to thank all of our clients and supporters for a wonderful year with the GreenHouse. It’s been an honor to serve our clients—we’ve had some laughter and some tears and we have fed and clothed so many people. It’s been an immeasurable pleasure working...